Friday, November 11, 2005

Good morning!!

I made a ton of phone calls yesterday telling everyone about our baby. I wondered if Andrew would understand what a big deal this was to get this information and he did! When I told him the information about his sister he was ecstatic!

The Fed Ex guy will bring the referral package today. I will be standing at the front door waiting for it! Then I have to rush it to Keith's office so we can sign that we do want this baby and then rush to have it sent to our agency in Ohio so they receive it tomorrow morning. Everyone in our group is going to hurry so maybe we'll have a quick travel approval from China! We should know our travel dates in a couple of weeks.

Some of our group lives in Ohio and rushed over yesterday afternoon to get their referrals. We've seen a picture of one of the babies already and she is ADORABLE! All our babies will be from Fuling.

Hopefully we'll be able to post her pictures on here today.

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