Friday, May 12, 2006

When I picked Anslee up from Tina's on Thursday she said "Are you sure you don't want to work this summer?" and started laughing.
She took Anslee and another little girl (who is 26 mths) to McDonald's for lunch today. They played on the playground and she said Anslee was all over the place. She was trying to squeeze between the bars to get out or to go in the middle of the play structure. Anslee has no fear. She was trying to get to the top of the structure. Tina said she couldn't sit down at all because Anslee would be somewhere crazy.
There is no doubt that going to the pool this summer is going to be harder than last year with just Andrew. I was finally to the point that I could sit on a chair and read a book while he swam (we have lifeguards). There will be no lounging for me this summer!!

On Monday I went with a friend and her two children to go out to eat. A lady who had adopted a little girl from China came over to talk to us. Her daughter was 2 years old and was sitting in the high chair eating quietly and so neatly. She had an adorable hat on and her dress was perfectly clean. I looked over at Anslee and she was trying to stand in her chair, she had food all through her hair, her clothes were a mess, she was eating her napkin and she was "talking" at the top of her lungs. :-)

I love Anslee's unique personality and spunkiness! She is so funny and happy. She will try to do anything and usually learns from her mistakes. Keith, Andrew and I are always laughing at what she does. We three think she is just perfect.

When I look at Andrew and Anslee I am filled with emotion because I am just so lucky to be the mom of these two incredible children.

1 comment:

glo said...

I love this poat. It makes my heart smile. So she is a little character. Obviously she is going places, starting "now". Ooops there she goes again, Go get her"!!!