Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I think Andrew has had a cough since before we left for China. He's been to the doctor and they didn't hear wheezing so they said he was okay. Anslee started coughing Sunday and now she has a runny nose. It is so hard to decided if they need to go to the doctor or not. I am big on not wanting antibiotics so luckily neither one has needed them very often.

Andrew's doctor also wants to see if he is missing a growth hormone. He is still just so tiny! We waited a year to let him start kindergarten because of this and his poor fine motor skills. He started kindergarten this year (a full year older than most of the children) and was the same size and maybe a little taller than one child. At the end of this school year he is shorter than everyone in his class.

I am only 5'1" but Keith is 6' and my Dad is 6' but I have a brother who is 5'9" (although with his personality you would think he was 7' feet tall!!). I went to highschool with a guy who was really short even his senior year. When I saw him the summer after his freshman year of college he had grown 7 inches!! The last time I saw him he was over 6' tall. So maybe Andrew is just going to be a small guy or maybe he'll hit a growth spurt later or maybe something is wrong.

I'll be taking both of them to the doctor at the end of the week.
I'll let you know what the tests results show.


Tonia said...

I'll be saying a little prayer for Andrew!!! Hopefully, they'll both feel better soon.


prentice said...

Um, Terri? Do you have another brother I don't know about? Ben's over 6' and I'm 5'6 3/32" (give or take a 64th) Who's this 5'9" guy? Remember, Mom and Dad were concerned for me in the 9th grade because I looked like a fetus, but by 28 my growth spurt was in full swing.

tc said...

Wow Prent! I started to write that you were 5'8" but I thought you surely were taller than that. I guess when you are 5'1" someone 5'6" looks like a giant :-) or maybe your personality does make you seem a lot taller!! Are you still growing now that you are older than 35?

tc said...

Thanks Tonia!


prentice said...

I think Dad mean's Andrew's paternal GREAT grandfather. I'm sure Dad's 5' 10 1/2" (or 11"). As a carpenter I have an eye for these things. (and what's this "only" stuff, Dad?)