Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Anslee's very favorite thing right now is being outside. If we are in the house she keeps going to the door or window and pointing and saying "side". If we don't immediately go out she is not happy! She loves everything outdoors. We found a snake the other day and she really wanted to kiss it. I didn't let her because it was a copperhead! Well, I wouldn't have let her even if wasn't venomous. :-)

Andrew and Keith found a lizard. He lives near our front door. Andrew kept him in the cage for about 30 minutes and then let him go. The lizard must not have been too scared because he's still hanging out near our door.
Have a great day!!


glo said...

LOL Both are such really cute pictures. I am so glad you discouraged the kissing the copperhead snake though .

prentice said...

there are primitive Baptists throughout the southeast that regularly handle venomous snakes AND drink a variety of poisons. Where's your faith?!

(for those of you that don't know me I'm KIDDING)