Sunday, December 11, 2005

Gotcha Day!!!


I've been having difficulty with internet access here in Chongquin.

Well today is the day we have been waiting on for 14 months. I can not believe it finally arrived. We did not get into town until late last night and did not get to bed until 11:30. That's very late considering we had been going to bed at 8 every night. Below you can see me counting out all of the cash for the big event. LL, thanks for the money belt.

We left the hotel at 8:30 this morning and had a 2hr ride to Fu Ling. In the picture below we just got off the bus and are walking to the orphanage which is just down on the left. Emotions were high and it was hightened by all of the locals watching us as we went by. I'm not sure how they feel about us adopting their babies. I'm sure it varies.

The process of getting the babies took about 45min. It went by so fast that I hardly remembered exactly how it happend. We got off the bus and a short while later we were back on with a new baby. When they first brought the babies out several of them were crying. They all quickly stopped except for Anslee. I figure that God gave us this one because he knew we could handle it and most of the people in our group were first time parents. We stopped at a hotel in Fu Ling and had lunch. By now all of the babies had stopped crying, except Anslee. We stayed strong and just rocked her and loved on her. By the time lunch was over she seemed to be getting used to us and was only crying off and on. After lunch we had the two hr trip back and a stop in Chongquin to do some paperwork. All of the babies fell asleep on the bus. After Anslee woke up she really seemed to be connecting with us. It was amazing how quickly that happened for all of the babies. She is absolutely adorable. Her paperwork hit the nail on the head, she is very shy but once comfortable will open up. Tonight in our room after we fed her and gave her a bath, she was playing and laughing up a storm. Be prepared when we get back that it really takes her a while to warm up to strangers but once she does, she has a fantastic prsonality. I know you all will get a kick out of her.

Andrew, we have been showing her your picture and telling her all about her big brother!!

Just out of the orphanage.

She loved looking out of the window on the bus. I'm sure it was the first time.


amy said...

i'm crying too! you guys, she is so beautiful. i'm very happy for you! congratulations again.

bamajane said...

How wonderful! Both you and the baby are beautiful (Keith, too!)...I know all three of you must be very tired and very happy. I'm so happy for you! Love to all! M