Sunday, June 04, 2006


I think for the first time since Keith and I have had children, this summer feels so perfect. Andrew's first summer was scary for us because we were so worried about him. The second summer Keith was running T.S. Morrison's in Asheville, N.C., we weren't making much money and our 1930 house needed tons of work. The next summer we were in Knoxville, TN. Keith wasn't loving his job and we didn't love Knoxville. The next few summers we were trying to have another baby and kept having miscarriages. Last summer we were waiting for Anslee.

This summer already has the relaxed feeling of my childhood summers. We've been grilling out a lot, doing lots of things with family and friends, playing outside and going to the pool every day.

For the first time in years I feel settled as a family. The happiness I feel is way more than I ever could have hoped for!


bamajane said...

I'm so happy for y'all! That's the way it should be!

prentice said...

Chester and I have been having a good summer, too. He likes his chicken a little on the rare side.