Saturday, June 03, 2006

Fun at the pool

Andrew and Anslee are having a blast going to the pool. Andrew will swim and play with his friends for a while but then he always comes back to check on Anslee. He wants to make sure I'm keeping a close eye on her. Anslee loves getting on Andrew's back. She'll jump on it any time he is laying down. In the pool, he puts her on and "swims" on the stairs. She thinks that's the greatest thing ever.

Andrew is working really hard to pass the swim test. Since he isn't 48" tall he can't go down the curly slide until he passes the test. Fot the test he has to swim across the pool 4 times without taking a break. Then he has to tread water for 2 minutes. So far he has only swam across 1 1/2 times without a break and is having great difficulty treading water. He starts swim lessons next week and I think that will help.


prentice said...

I was always very concerned about you when we were at the pool, too. I understand where Andrew is coming from. When you were learning to swim I lost a lot of sleep. (But you were adorable!) By the way I saw Jamie Riddle's parents at a wedding where I bartended last night.

tc said...

I feel like reminding you that you are younger than me... but I don't think it will help!
Did they say what he is doing now?

prentice said...

Wow, Terri, I've always thought you were my little sister! Are you sure you have our birth years right? I thought you were born in 1978!!