Thursday, June 29, 2006


Keith and I are completely different in the way we get ready for a trip. Keith wants to be packed and ready to go days in advance. He wants everything to be totally organized. I can be organized but not when I'm packing. I want to be, but for some reason I am a pack the night before kinda person. It doesn't help that I detest packing...

So to help make the night before a little less stressful, I've been trying to pack yesterday and today but a certain little one has been making it difficult. If I can't see her she is destroying something or putting herself in imminent danger ~in ways I couldn't even imagine!

The best time to pack is when Anslee is doing this:

Here is a list of a few of Anlsee's recent milestones:
*She can now open the front door (when no one is looking) and run for the street.
*She can pull Buster by his tail the entire length of the kitchen.
*She can reach the light above the kitchen table by putting the booster on top of the table and standing on it.
*She can empty all the drawers in my dresser in less than 2 minutes.
*She can balance on top of the tray of her high chair and push herself to make the highchair roll (kinda like surfing) with a sucker in her mouth.

Oh, and did I mention she did all these things before lunch time today?
sigh...maybe I'll just wait to pack tomorrow night.


1 comment:

prentice said...

Where are you'uns going, TC?