My little old dog:
A heart-beat at my feet.
- - - Edith Wharton
About a week ago, he started to have back pain. We took him to the vet and had x-rays done. He has degenerative disc disease. The area between his lowers discs are starting to calcify and cause swelling and pain. This time, we haven't found a medication that is working. He is just pitiful and continues to be in pain. The vet thinks the only way to possibly fix it is to have surgery but even that won't definitely work ~ AND his age is a HUGE issue in surviving surgery. The vet is going to try some morphine type of drug... hopefully this will alleviate the pain he has.
Keith and I are worried sick about him. Poor puppy.
Bless his heart!! I know where your coming from Terri. All our dogs are senior citizens. Bo will be 14 in November and he's got arthiritis BAD!! It's heart breaking to watch him struggle sometimes to get up. We give him meds and make him as comfortable as possible.
We'll be praying that you guys find something to help Buster.
Hugs -
So sorry about your puppy (even our old dogs are puppies to us) - we will be praying for him and for your family. On a happier note, I love, love the Georgia jammies!
Go Dawgs!
Thanks Tonia and Julie!!
Those UGA jammies are hand me downs from Andrew but Anslee loves them :-)
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