Sunday, September 17, 2006

Anslee has a blast when Kayla comes over. Kayla's family was at our house for dinner one night. She kept fixing Anslee's hair different ways and putting her in different outfits. Anslee had a blast. I'm sure we'll be spending tons of $ on clothes and shoes when she is old enough to pick her outfits out!

I LOVE my preschool class this year. I have 7 boys and 7 girls. I have twin girls adopted from China. I also have many siblings of children I've had in past years. I know the parents really well and am friends with several of them.

There has been a few problems regarding the Asian twins. At the beginning of the school year one little girl didn't want to sit next to either of the twins because she said their skin was ugly. After talking to her parents, she now plays with them all the time. A little boy who plays with them told them the rhyme "Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look at these" - complete with the motions... I talked with him and he had no idea that what he said wasn't nice. The parents of both of these children were mortified that their children said these things. I did the lesson with a red and green apple talking about how they look different on the outside but the same on the inside just like people look different on the outside but are the same on the inside and that God says we are all wonderfully made... Hopefully we won't have any more issues about this.

I dread the time something like this happens to Anslee. It will break my heart.

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