Friday, August 25, 2006

Since Summer break is over ~ I'm ready for fall...

There is something I love about each season but Fall is my favorite. I love the beginning of school, cooler temperatures (at some point!), leaves changing colors and Fall activities.
Andrew has had a great first two weeks of school. We went to curriculum night this week and his teacher was asked how the children go about getting a special "gold note" reward. She gave an example of a little boy who had been extra kind to one of his classmates. Afterwards she told me that it was Andrew and she said he is the most kind child she has ever had in her 12 years of teaching. How sweet is that? Now we just need to work on handwriting...
This week we've had our church consignment sale that I help with every year and I've been preparing my classroom for school resuming next week. Anslee's had to be in the nursery a lot. She cries every time I drop her off (which breaks my heart) but when I pick her up she's having so much fun she doesn't want to leave. She starts going to Tina's four days a week on Monday.


Tonia said...

Oh, Fall is my absolute favorite also! Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. Christmas is coming close now that we have Delaynee and she's finally found out about all the presents she gets! Last year, Christmas was tons of fun. I love all the pumpkin patches, I love the crisp cool air (like you said, "at some point"). I can't wait for it to be 70 -75 degrees during the day!!!

How sweet that Andrew helped another classmate. It makes your heart happy when your child does nice things for other people. :)

Thanks for posting the picture of Anslee and her Daddy! Such a fantastic picture.


prentice said...

Hey, TC, you asked where I am... I'm right here!!