Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rosemary Beach

We had a blast on vacation this last week. Rosemary Beach was just so beautiful! We played on the beach, found tons of shells, swam out to the sandbar and built sand castles. When we were tired of being sandy and salty we would head to the pool, ride bikes or eat.
Anslee's first look at the ocean. She wasn't scared and enjoyed playing in it for a little while. In the morning before we went outside she would point to the door and say either pool or beach. Now when she see's pictures of fish or fish on tv she points to them and says "eyes". She says fish like "ish". I think she just now is realizing how many things have eyes like she does.
Having fun in the ocean. Andrew would've been happy to stay in the ocean all day (just like his mom!). He loved swiming with one of us to the sandbar. We alsocollected shells and coquinas. At night he watched Shark week on the discovery channel. They had a show about the bull shark attacks when we were in Destin either last year or the year before. Luckily it didn't scare him although we wouldn't let him swim very far from us.
We had so much fun. It's always sad leaving the beach...
Thanks Mom and Dad for such a wonderful vacation!!


prentice said...

I can't believe it, but I lost my camera!!

Tonia said...

Looks/sounds like you guys had a wonderful time in Destin!! I'm hoping one day next week Ms. D. and I can take a trip to the beach.
