Friday, June 26, 2009

Be Prepared! If you have a weak stomach don't look!!!

These eye pictures are worse than before! They even make me feel a little ill!!! But I've had some requests for pictures, so here goes....

If anyone knows a way to hide the pictures until you click on them, please let me know!

To fill up a little space so you can choose not to see the pictures I just want to say thanks to everyone for bringing meals and helping out with Andrew and Anslee. Taking Andrew to camp and Anslee to swimming and for the playdates, etc. My family feels so loved!!

This first picture is when I was at the Mohs surgeon. The shots into my eyelid were the most painful thing throughout this entire process!! My eyelid is puffy because of the local anesthesia injected into it. This was done on Monday.

This next picture is after the Mohs surgery was complete. If you look closely (not that you'd want to!) The white part is a special cotton gauze to fill up the hole that the plastic surgeon
fixed on Thursday. My eye is extra wrinkly because it was packed with gauze that has just been removed prior to taking this photo. I went to see her on Tuesday (the day after Moh's was done) so she could decide how to reconstruct my lower eyelid. Keith took this picture today (On Friday).
Prior to the surgery, the plastic surgeon said that she was 99.9% sure that in order to repair my eye it would need to be sewn shut for 6 to 8 weeks. Luckily we ended up on the .1% side. As it turns out she was able to take a little bit from both of my upper eye lids to repair the outside of the lid. They take from both eye lids so that after I have healed my eyes will be symetrical. Thus the stiches on my open eye. She also made an incision on my laugh line next to the eye, seperating the inner layer and streching it over to repair the inside of the eye lid. The doctor said basically it looks like a little quilt work under the patch ~But I am prepared for anything when they remove the gauze on Thursday!!. She also put temporary stiches in to hold my eye closed until next week so that the eye lid will remain still and repair itself more quickly. Next week about half of the stiches will be removed and I will have full use of that eye!!!



Heather said...

oh, sweet Terri!!! ARRRRHHH, Matie! I love you so and wish I was there to love on you right now!

rest up, my dear!

bamajane said...

Poor, poor baby! I wish I could help somehow.