Wednesday, June 03, 2009

While we are talking about medical stuff...

Keith and I noticed that Anslee had some places on her palms that were itchy, peeling, round places. We just found out my neice had impatigo and were worried that Anslee had it too so Keith took her to a children's medical health place when he got home from work.

They just returned and she has Papular Urticaria which means she is ultra sensitive to bug bites. This is a condition that when Anslee gets a new insect bite, the sites of old insect bites react almost as if they had been bitten again. When I looked it up, the medical journal stated that this is most common in asian people, usually children.

She got a mosquito bite the other night and by the time we got home, it looked like she had 15 or more. So now this all makes sense!

Just thought I'd add more medical stuff you've probably never heard of :-)

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