Friday, May 18, 2007

Anslee loves...

Someone asked me the other day what Anslee loves right now.
Here is the list:

*playing in water (toilet water, Buster's water bowl, bathtub, the pool, it doesn't matter where the water comes from)

*playing with her brother ~ she wants to do EVERYTHING he does

*Buster!! She also loves playing puppy ~ either she's the puppy or she makes someone else be the puppy. She thinks getting in Buster's crate is so fun.

*princesses! She still loves Ariel from the Little Mermaid. She dresses up in princess dresses and a Tinkerbell costume. For Christmas Aunt DeeDee gave her some "glass" Cinderella shoes and she wears them all the time even though they keep giving her a blister.

*shoes in general. She is the shoe keeper in the house and makes sure they get put in the basket when we take them off. She loves to wear Keith's, Andrew's, Andrew's friend's and my shoes around the house. When we are in the mall she wants to look at all the shoes.

*answering and talking on the phone. When it rings she makes a mad dash to get to it before anyone else can.

*Kayla ~ we have a family we are friends with and she adores their daughter. If she has to go to time out at home she yells "Kayla help me!". Kayla fixes her hair, puts different outfits on her and she doesn't complain once.

*helping do any chores around the house. She LOVES unloading the dishwasher with me, helping cook, fold clothes, making beds and vaccuming is a favorite.

*desserts. ice cream, chocolate, fruit gummy things, icing, skittles etc.

*anything someone else is eating. She won't eat it if it's on her own plate but if someone else is eating it she'll say "can I have some" to whoever is eating. At dinner she keeps asking for the food on my plate even though it is exactly what she has. If I switch plates with her she then wants what I am eating off her plate.

*playing outside. She doesn't care so much what she is doing as long as she is outside.

There are a ton more things. She is just so smart, hilarious and fun. We are having a blast!

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