Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Andrew and I had this conversation Driving home from Sports Authority tonight :

Andrew said "Mom, there is something that I've really been wondering about for years."

I asked him what that was and he said "How did God decide to put my soul in this body?"

I said I didn't know and asked him if he felt like his soul fit pretty well in the body he has.

Andrew said " Yeah, I think it does. But you know how some people are born that can never walk? I think their soul is too great for their body and too big and that it has to kind of crumple in the legs to fit in and then they can't walk."

I might have written before about a conversation we had before he turned four.

We were in the kitchen and Andrew said "Mom, I know why babies cry when they are born."

I asked him how he knew and he said "Because I remember when I was born. I was up in heaven with God and Jesus and God told me I was going to have to leave him to go be born. He told me I would come back to be with him again but I still didn't want to leave. So when I was born I was crying so hard because I was already missing God and Jesus. But then I grew to love you and Dad. :-)

He thinks so much deeper than I ever did (or do!). His teachers have always said that he's an old soul and I agree.
On a lighter note, do you know what the appropriate attire is for grocery store shopping? You can wear anything as long as you wear a hat.

Anslee wore this pitcher to the grocery store and thought she looked so beautiful. She wouldn't take it off. She drew a lot of attention! :-)


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