Sunday, December 21, 2008

China Trip - Travel to China

Hi all! I know that people have been anxious for us to upload pics from our homecoming trip to China. For those of you that were not aware, we made a return trip over Thanksgiving week with about 40 other families who have adopted from the same orphanage in Fuling China. I'm going to post a series of blogs over the next few days/weeks that focus on specific parts/days of our trip. I hope you enjoy.

This is how the trip started, at about 4:30am with the kids sound asleep!

Breakfast was courtesy of the airport BK lounge. We needed our energy for the 30 hours it will take to get from our house to the hotel in Beijing.

We upgraded the seats to economy plus, which gave 5 more inches of leg room. On a 14 hour flight, it's a must!

Terri built a sleeping canopy. Below Terri and Anslee are sound asleep.

We are getting close! After flying at an altitude of 57,000 feet over the North Pole, the kids can finally see the ground.

Finally on the ground in the Beijing airport! Look how tired the kids faces are.

Andrew was hungry and decided to try the Chinese version of KFC. I warned him that it was not the same as back home. No all white meat chicken breast here.

After deciding that the KFC was less than edible, we found a McDonald's. Basic cheese burger and fries are pretty similar to the US version. At this point Anslee can barely function. Our internal clocks are out of sync with the local time, which was about 7-8pm.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I had no idea you did this...can't wait for more pics!